Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Technology gets better over time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Technology gets better over time - Essay Example tally to Langdon Winner (2001) in his essay Whatever happened to the electronic cottage?, he has described the illusionary concept drawn by Alvin Toffler in his book, The Third ruffle (1980) that technology would help the people to become more closer they would develop more social bonding among them which would give rise to greater community perceptual constancy along with an increase in the establishment of voluntary organizations supporting different groups in a society. His vision of an ideal society established on the radix of advancement of technology suggests that there would be less stress and more leisure in the lives of people with an increased focus on the expansion of value and morality within the social structure. The vision drawn by Alvin Toffler came to reality but with bitter results. ... It is important to understand that how these technological interactions have influenced individuals and the groups in a society, at large. The emergence of social networking sites have become a major medium for communication for a large number of people all roughly the globe. The use of such social networking sites can have positive as well as the negative consequences on the lives of people which depend on how they atomic number 18 using it. In a society where people are geographically separated and one tries to keep in touch with his family and friends, technology has facilitated them in maintaining their dealing even in the farthest corners of the world. For a person, it has become just a matter of time to re-connect with his long-lost companion through a social networking site. However, with the benefits and positive aspects cerebrate with the use of social networking sites we cannot ignore the negative consequences and risk associated with the use of social networking sites and increased virtual communications. Different people have different influences of such websites. This income tax return can be explained with an example of a man who displays all the events of his day on a play card and stands holding them on a exoteric place. Due to this particular act of his display, he draws the attention and reaction of known and unknown people towards the internal affairs of his manners giving an opportunity to scuttlebutt on his personal life and affairs. The vast extend of all kinds of comments and remarks on social media plays a negative role in the users life regardless whether the comments or remarks are true or not their results are devastating in many peoples lives. According to

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