Saturday, June 15, 2019

Information Security Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words

Information Security Policy - Essay ExampleRegular updates and standards anyow be provided to support the policy.The Head of Information Compliance & Policy has direct responsibility for maintaining the policy and providing advice and guidance on its implementation. Managers are directly responsible for hamper to and implementation of the policy within their business domains and also to the adherence by their staff.Signed ______________________Title ______________________ Date ___________________IntroductionThis Information Security policy of Strega c everywhere and Gas aims at protecting all the systems of the social club belonging to the Information Technology infrastructure. The protection is needed from any activity that may jeopardise the undefeated trading operations of the company. These harmful activities may be a result of an unintentional threat such as a natural calamity or a deliberate attempt by a member of the company or an outsider to cause any harm. The followi ng sections will include a abbreviated on Strega Oil and Gas Company and the need and use of the Information Security Policy.A Brief on the CompanyStrega Oil and Gas is a privately owned company with its exposure in action and retailing of Natural Oil and Gas. The companys central Head Office is located at mystical Park, Texas. Apart from having a production centre at Deep Park, the company also has a unit at Baton Rouge, Los Angeles. The company is operating for everyplace 10 years, and it is now a mid size industrial company with a workforce of 1500 employees. Being a massively successful and profit qualification company, for the previous year end 2005 - 2006, Strega recorded revenue of 15m $. Information Technology acts as a corner stone of the...The following sections will include a brief on Strega Oil and Gas Company and the need and use of the Information Security Policy.Strega Oil and Gas is a privately owned company with its exposure in production and retailing of Natur al Oil and Gas. The companys central Head Office is located at Deep Park, Texas. Apart from having a production centre at Deep Park, the company also has a unit at Baton Rouge, Los Angeles. The company is operating for over 10 years, and it is now a mid size industrial company with a workforce of 1500 employees. Being a massively successful and profit making company, for the previous year ended 2005 - 2006, Strega recorded revenue of 15m $. Information Technology acts as a corner stone of the companys success. The company relies heavily of latest computing systems, networking equipments, databases and ancillaries. All internal operations of the company and communicated via intranet. The company conducts business with third party companies such as its suppliers and agents over the extranet. The company is also involved in E Commerce over the public Internet. This policy aims at providing measures to secure all the IT assets of the company from technological and physical threats.Streg a Oil and Gas Company will seek to ensure all three aspects of a secure IT infrastructure viz.

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