Wednesday, June 19, 2019

American Culture in 1920s Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Culture in 1920s - Coursework ExampleWhen he created the Model-T, on with the Ford Company, a large industrial complex was built along the banks of the Rouge River in Dearborn, Michigan. The large Rouge Plant involves production and use of young materials to be handled by a number of workers. Fords idea of mass production pulled his company to a great success in oscilloscope up the demand for their Model-T to a great plateau. Since then, the use of automobiles and vehicles has driven a great advancement from urban to suburbanization. The popularity of transportation led to the production and construction of roadstead and to the growth of oil industry. Construction of roads led to the production and industry of several products such as rubber and concrete and also to the construction of lilliputian shopping centers. Fords simple concept of mass production allows production of goods in a short time and for less cost and it gave conduct to a complex society evolving itsel f. Afterward, as a result of increasing mass production, things other than transportation industry came up. Mass communication and advertising pay off taken its place and the development of the use of a radio has begun. The radio in the early 1920s was a mass-produced consumer item in which a major breakthrough in the field of mass communication (Goff 121). Commercial broadcasts using a radio started its way in the midst of 1920s. Around 1922, cardinal years after the first commercial broadcast, the first radio station in Illinois began broadcasting in Tuscola. Thereafter, several companies used mass communication to advertising. They adequate the use of technology to sell their products. As mass production is at peak, companies had the capability to increase production as well as to save cost. This, by result, made them more flexible and capable in advertising. Advertising gave them the power to set up campaigns to sell their products across the country. On the other hand, adver tising neutered the American culture. By its enduring and persuading goals, it somehow shaped the lifestyles of American citizens especially those who were living in cities and urban areas. Another way mass communication altered American culture was by means of entertainment. Mass communication led to the use of new inventions such as radios, cinemas, and music. It led to the birth of music industry and film industry. Apparently, entertainment, in 1920s, was more likely to be viewed as an essential part of American culture. Entertainment like music and cinemas became part of the lifestyles of American citizens. In the midst of 1927, several numbers of films were made. Movies influenced the American society

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